A professional meeting place for all pharmacy technicians involved and with an interest in antimicrobial stewardship

Next AMS Tech meeting 12th Oct 2pm

This is on Weds 12th Oct 2pm via TEAMS.
Invites have been sent, if you have not received an invite please let myself or Vikki Connell know.
Under the ‘new business’ section on the agenda we would like to open the group up to discussions on what plans they have for EAAD and WAAW along with any other AMS projects that we could all learn from. 
If anyone wishes to share their ideas in the meeting this would be great. If you wish to let myself or Vikkie know before the meeting this would be helpful.
We will have a guest speaker near the end of the meeting to present briefly to us all about generalised OPAT services within Antimicrobial Stewardship.